Be Apart of the NAMIC Community

Support for Communities

For over 40 years NAMIC has been a leader in helping represent people of color in the cable, media, and entertainment industries. As we have grown as an organization we have expanded beyond these industries to include any organization that values diversity in all areas as not only a competitive advantage but as a true core value.

NAMIC serves our community by educating, advocating, and empowering our members with lasting effect with all of our programs. We serve this purpose by providing middle tier to executive-level training through our executive leadership programs as well as creating hosted events to guide, transform and empower.

We provide opportunities for all our members to grow their careers and experience new ideas through our highly regarded mentorship program both at the national and at our local chapter levels. In Denver, we are proud to provide all of these programs to our members and through all these opportunities both virtually and in person, we provide opportunities to network, guide careers, and shape diversity, equity, and inclusion for everyone.

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Community Focused

NAMIC Denver is committed to supporting the community and has been a dedicated partner in supporting local groups such as Pride, Juneteenth and Hispanic and Asian American initiatives.


Industry Driven

NAMIC Denver is an industry partner who regularly partners with The Cable Center, WICT and RMTC.


Engaging Leaders

Our members have access to engaging leaders who graciously lend their time in giving back to Namic Denver through leadership, mentorship and personal development.